Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia

The Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia is a Russian religious organization, unifying communities of Orthodox Judaism, mostly of Chabad Hassidic movement. It was registered by Ministry of Justice of Russia in 1999.
According to the program of FJCR, "The main aim of Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia is to create conditions for full-scale religious and nationally-cultural life of citizens of Russia, who confess Judaism and identify themselves with Jewish people."
"The major mean of realization of this aim is comprehensive development of Jewish religious communities with the required infrastructure on the land of Russian Federation."

Administration of FJCR

Within the FJCR there is the department of law defense and struggle against antisemitism.
According to 2007 data, FJCR embraces 200 communities in 178 cities, in 42 communities Rabbis are working. 94 Sunday schools are acting in 72 Russian cities, not counting Moscow. While in the Capital 11 Sunday schools are opened. Within the frame of FJCR 29 educational schools are working in 17 cities of Russia, 28 nurseries in 15 cities, 13 infant health-improving camps, 5 higher religious educational institutions are acting, as well as there are refresher courses of teachers of Sunday schools, 4 special secondary schools with Jewish religious component.
Over 100,000 people take part in humanitarian programs of FJCR. With support of FJCR, 41 synagogues and about 70 community centers are acting, including 11 large community centers. Since 2002 with support of the Federation 5 new synagogue buildings were opened.