Fengshun County

Fengshun is a county in Meizhou City, in the east of Guangdong Province, southern China.


Qing &; Republican China

The town of Tangkeng is the site of the September30October1, 1927 Battle of Shantou during the Chinese Civil War, when 5000 communist-led troops from the Nanchang Uprising were nearly routed by 15,000 well-positioned and better-supplied Right-Kuomintang forces.

Ethno-linguistic make-up

Meizhou is noted for its large Hakka population, while Fengshun is in the southernmost of its counties bordering the Jieyang and Chaozhou municipalities. Fengshun comprises Teochew and Hakka.

Administrative divisions

Fengshun County's executive, legislature and judiciary are based in Tangkeng, along with its CPC and PSB branches. The county is responsible for the administration of 16 towns and one Township Enterprise.
;Township enterprise