Ferdy the Ant (TV series)

Ferdy the Ant is a 1984 German-British children's animated television series based on the Ferda Mravenec series of picture books by Czech author Ondřej Sekora. The animation was handled by Far Eastern Productions.
There are three English dubs. The original British English dub, the short-lived Harmony Gold USA dub and an American-produced 2000 dub.
The show is primarily aimed towards children from ages 3 to 10, and has been owned by Entertaining Cartoon Productions and Licensing AG since 2000 and it was also an animation by Far Eastern Animation in Taiwan.


The series revolves around a little boy-ant named Ferdy as he embarks on a variety of adventures in the insect Utopia of Käfertal with his close insect friends.

Episode format

s usually last up to seven episodes.

Main characters

  1. The Daring Rescue
  2. The Danger from the Mill
  3. The Crazy Snail Trip
  4. The Valley of the Horses
  5. My Friend the Star
  6. On Butterfinger's Trail
  7. A Coach for Gwendolyn
  8. The Search
  9. False Witness
  10. The Camp of the Red Ants
  11. The Silver Grotto
  12. The Ghost Mill
  13. The Robbers
  14. Dangerous Excursion
  15. Playing With Water
  16. The New House
  17. The Cuckoo's Egg
  18. The Spring Festival
  19. The Heatwave
  20. The Trip to Italy
  21. The Ill-Fated Skiing Trip
  22. The Flight in a Balloon
  23. Butterfinger's Art School
  24. On a Treasure Hunt
  25. The Forest Fire
  26. Homesickness
  27. The Mysterious Ship
  28. Ferdy in the Ant Hill
  29. The Slavedealers
  30. The Raid
  31. The Battle
  32. The Wedding Feast
  33. Movie Stars
  34. The Unknown Weapon
  35. A Nightmare Diet
  36. The Honey Knight
  37. The Tortise
  38. The Dream of the Wild West
  39. The Visitor From Space
  40. The Beauty Contest
  41. The Circus
  42. Gwendolyn's Birthday
  43. Robin Hood
  44. The Ghost Driver
  45. The Pizzeria
  46. The Owl's Book
  47. The Toadstool
  48. The Waterskiing Race
  49. The Musical
  50. The Easter Egg
  51. The Snake
  52. Hocus-Pocus

    Video game

A 3D episodic arcade video game based on the series was developed by Centauri Productions and released by Cenega in 2002 for the PC.

Home media

In 1986, select episodes of the Harmony Gold USA English dub of the series received a small VHS release in the US. The entire series was released on DVD in the Czech Republic in 2003.