Ficus insipida

Ficus insipida is a tropical tree in the fig genus of the family Moraceae. It ranges from Mexico to South America, and is commonly found in cloud forest above 1,550 m ASL.

Description and ecology

This is a tree with buttress roots that ranges from tall. Although it is a freestanding tree when mature, F. insipida begins its growth as a climbing vine. It clings to a mature tree, eventually strangling it. Its favored hosts are Guarea tuisana and Sapium pachystachys, and it is also frequently found on already-dead trees.
Leaves vary shape from narrow to ellipse-shaped; they range from long and from wide. It flowers February to April and bears warty, yellow-green fruit 4–6 cm in diameter. Though they are edible like most figs, as the scientific name implies they are of unremarkable taste. Monkeys feed on fruits still on the tree, and fallen fruits are eaten by peccaries.
Two subspecies can be distinguished:
The wood is soft, but it is used for construction purposes where durability is not important.
F. insipida is used by wajacas of the Krahô tribe in Brazil as a memory enhancer. Its latex is also employed in South American folk medicine as the anthelmintic called ojé, but as it is toxic it must be used with care.
Maya codices are folding books stemming from the pre-Columbian Maya civilization, written in Maya hieroglyphic script on Mesoamerican bark cloth, amatl, made from the inner bark of certain trees, the main being the wild fig tree or amate.
The inner bark is used by the of Bolivia to produce a fibrous cloth used for clothing.