Field galaxy

A field galaxy is a galaxy that does not belong to a larger galaxy group or cluster and hence is gravitationally alone.
Roughly 80% of all galaxies located within Parsec#Megaparsecs and gigaparsecs| of the Milky Way are in groups or clusters of galaxies. Most low-surface-brightness galaxies are field galaxies. The median Hubble-type of field galaxies is Sb, a type of spiral galaxy.

List of field galaxies

A list of nearby relatively bright field galaxies within the Local Volume, about
NGC 404SA0Andromeda
NGC 1313SBdReticulumNicknamed the "Topsy Turvy Galaxy" due to its uneven shape
NGC 2188SmColumba
NGC 2683ScLynx
NGC 2903SBbcLeo
NGC 3115S0Sextans
NGC 3621SAdHydra
NGC 4136SABcComa Berenices
NGC 4605SBcUrsa Major
NGC 5068SABcdVirgo
NGC 6503SAcd
DracoAlso called the "Lost-In-Space galaxy" due to its location next to the Local Void.