Financial models with long-tailed distributions and volatility clustering

Financial models with long-tailed distributions and volatility clustering have been introduced to overcome problems with the realism of classical financial models. These classical models of financial time series typically assume homoskedasticity and normality cannot explain stylized phenomena such as skewness, heavy tails, and volatility clustering of the empirical asset returns in finance. In 1963, Benoit Mandelbrot first used the stable distribution to model the empirical distributions which have the skewness and heavy-tail property. Since -stable distributions have infinite -th moments for all, the tempered stable processes have been proposed for overcoming this limitation of the stable distribution.
On the other hand, GARCH models have been developed to explain the volatility clustering. In the GARCH model, the innovation distributions are assumed to be a standard normal distribution, despite the fact that this assumption is often rejected empirically. For this reason, GARCH models with non-normal innovation distribution have been developed.
Many financial models with stable and tempered stable distributions together with volatility clustering have been developed and applied to risk management, option pricing, and portfolio selection.

Infinitely divisible distributions

A random variable is called infinitely divisible if,
for each, there are independent and identically-distributed random variables
such that
where denotes equality in distribution.
A Borel measure on is called a Lévy measure if and
If is infinitely divisible, then the characteristic function
is given by
where, and is a Lévy measure.
Here the triple is called a Lévy triplet of. This triplet is unique. Conversely, for any choice satisfying the conditions above, there exists an infinitely divisible random variable whose characteristic function is given as.

''α''-Stable distributions

A real-valued random variable is said to have an
-stable distribution if for any, there
are a positive number and a real number such that
where are independent and have the same
distribution as that of. All stable random variables are infinitely divisible. It is known that for some. A stable random
variable with index is called an
-stable random variable.
Let be an -stable random variable. Then the
characteristic function of is given by
for some, and.

Tempered stable distributions

An infinitely divisible distribution is called a classical tempered
stable distribution
with parameter
if its Lévy triplet is given by
, and
where and.
This distribution was first introduced by under
the name of Truncated Lévy Flights and has been called the tempered stable or the KoBoL distribution. In particular, if
, then this distribution is called the CGMY
distribution which has been used for
financial modeling.
The characteristic function for a tempered stable
distribution is given by
for some. Moreover, can be extended to the
Rosiński generalized the CTS distribution under the name of the
tempered stable distribution. The KR distribution, which is a subclass of the Rosiński's generalized tempered stable distributions, is used in finance.
An infinitely divisible distribution is called a modified tempered stable distribution with parameter,
if its Lévy triplet is given by
, and
where and
Here is the modified Bessel function of the second kind.
The MTS distribution is not included in the class of Rosiński's generalized tempered stable distributions.

Volatility clustering with stable and tempered stable innovation

In order to describe the volatility clustering effect of the return process of an asset, the GARCH model can be used. In the GARCH model, innovation is assumed that, where
and where
the series are modeled by
and where and.
However, the assumption of is often rejected empirically. For that reason, new GARCH models with stable or tempered stable distributed innovation have been developed. GARCH models with -stable innovations have been introduced. Subsequently, GARCH Models with tempered stable innovations have been developed.
Objections against the use of stable distributions in Financial models are given in