First Follett Ministry

The First Follett Ministry was the first ministry of the Government of the Australian Capital Territory, and was led by Labor Chief Minister Rosemary Follett and her deputy, Paul Whalan. It was sworn in on 16 May 1989, after the 1989 election when a hung parliament was the outcome. Labor, with a plurality of seats, led a minority government in the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly.
This ministry covers the period from 16 May 1989 until on 5 December 1989, when Bernard Collaery, the leader of Residents Rally, a minor party in the Assembly, moved the following motion
The vote was resolved in affirmative, and Trevor Kaine elected Chief Minister as leader of an Alliance Government, comprising members of both the Liberal Party and some members of the Residents Rally in the Assembly and the Kaine Ministry formed.

Chief Minister


Rosemary Follett

Deputy Chief Minister

Minister for Industry, Employment and Education
Paul Whalan

Minister for Community Services and Health
Wayne Berry

Minister for Housing and Urban Services
Ellnor Grassby