First Open Youth European Delphic Games

From 2 to 7 of May, 2014 in Volgograd were held the First Open Youth European Delphic Games were held under the patronage of UNESCO.
721 young artists from 26 countries took part in 17 nominations of the contest and festival program of the Games.
The organizers, guests, participants got the greetings of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Anne Brasseur, on behalf of the President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso and the Council of Europe.
Executives and representatives of the International Delphic Committee and National Delphic organizations of a number of countries, UNESCO, and other organizations from 21 countries participated in the work of International Conference.
Within the Games on the Internet-television DELPHIC TV organized live internet broadcast from all the events of the Games.