Flag of Manchukuo

The flag of the Empire of Manchuria had a mustard yellow field with four horizontal stripes of different colors in the upper-left corner. The colors of the flag were based on the colors on the Five Races Under One Union flags used by the Beiyang government and the Empire of China. The flag was first established in :ja:s:國旗制度佈吿ノ件|Announcement of National Flag on March 1, 1932.


According to the :ja:s:国旗ノ意義解釈ニ関スル件|Document of the Explanation of National Flag issued by state council of Manchukuo on February 24, 1933, the colours on the flag represent the four directions and center. The Study of Manchukuo National Flag published by state council of Manchukuo later also gave an representative based on Wu Xing.
The colours also represent the five major peoples in Manchukuo:

Navy of Manchukuo

Coast Guard

Marine Police

Postal flag

Political organization

Boy Scouts of Manchukuo