Flagship Magazine

Flagship Magazine was an independent magazine for gamers. Published in the UK, it started in 1983 for Play-by-mail game players. In 2002 it extended its coverage to include boardgames, role-playing games, web games and massively multiplayer online games, along with collectible card games and computer games.
An average issue in 1987 was about 56 pages. The magazine came out bimonthly with game reviews, diaries, news columns and an emphasis on reader feedback.
David Webber, the editor in chief of Paper Mayhem, a US-based play-by-mail gaming magazine, stated in 1987 that Flagship was "a highly professional PBM magazine", noting that the published material was "very informative and each issue usually cover several current PBM games from the UK and the US". Webber asserted that Flagship was "a must for the PBM gamer", observing that the content and reliability of the magazine were very good, and recommending it to his own readers.
Founded in 1983 by Nick Palmer and Chris Harvey, Flagship was edited by Carol Mulholland from issue 70. Shortly after publishing issue 130 in 2010 Carol Mulholland suffered a serious illness and the magazine ceased publication.