Flesh Gordon Meets the Cosmic Cheerleaders

Flesh Gordon Meets the Cosmic Cheerleaders is a 1990 sex comedy film, and the sequel to the sex comedy Flesh Gordon. Like the original, it spoofs the Flash Gordon serials, though the humor is more scatological than the original. Only William Dennis Hunt returns from the original cast.


Flesh is kidnapped by cheerleaders from a world known only as the Strange Planet, after the men on their planet are rendered impotent thanks to the villain known only as the Evil Presence. The Evil Presence, who is in an unhappy relationship with Queen Frigid, soon learns of Flesh's arrival on the planet, and wishes to transfer Flesh's penis to himself, in order to make up for his own poor endowment.


This movie was rated NC-17 by the MPAA, due to its scatological humor. It is often cited as being one of the worst movies of all time.



  1. Stuck on You Baby - The Groovaholics and Ian McNeil
  2. The Hero Always Get the Girl - Bruce Scott
  3. The All-American Hero - Rod Knowlan