Flop Show

Flop Show is an Indian television sitcom that first aired on DD National on 31 October 1989. The show was written and directed by satirical humorist Jaspal Bhatti, who also played himself as the main character. His wife Savita Bhatti produced the show and also acted in all the episodes as his wife. The sitcom was a satire on the socio-cultural problems faced by the common man in India at the time. Only 10 episodes of the show were produced.
The show was again telecast on DD National from 19 May 2020 during the lockdown due to coronavirus.


Flop Show has a distinctive opening sequence. It starts off with a dedication to those whom the specific episode is poking fun at. This is followed by the title song "Flop Show", which mocks the show itself as being misdirected. It features most of the main cast collectively playing musical instruments as a band. Jaspal Bhatti appears as an eye-patch wearing, menacing looking director. The other cast members are dressed variously as a police inspector, a doctor, a peon, etc.
The show was shot completely in Chandigarh with some episodes being shot at Punjab Engineering College. The cast remained the same in every episode, although they played different characters as each episode essayed a different story.
Another distinctive aspect of the show was a joke in between the casting credits at the beginning and a satirically reworded popular Hindi film song played at the end of every episode, in the form of a Parody.


Following is the complete list of episodes:
EpisodeTitleJaspal Bhatti's RoleEpisode Description
1Govt. OfficerGovt. OfficialA satirical take on the functioning of government offices. It parodies the misuse of government machinery, portrayed through a head of a government office deploying public officials and resources to search for his missing pet dog and according promotion to official who is successful in the endeavour.
2Medical BillsPatient's friendA satirical take on fake medical reimbursement claims of employees. Jaspal Bhatti's friend, who is very ill, gets hospitalized in his name to get free government sponsored medical care. When he passes away, people assume Jaspal Bhatti to be dead.
3PropertyTenantA satirical take on the travails of honest real estate property owners. This episode highlights some of the devious schemes used by tenants for usurping residential property belonging to others.
4ContractorTenantA take on the poor quality construction of Government-built apartments, shoddy work of contractors and nexus between government engineers and contractors. It showcases the troubles of residents of housing complexes.
5Ph.DProfessor and Ph.D student's guideA satirical take on the harassment that professors guiding post-graduate research students submit them to. In this episode, Jaspal Bhatti plays the professor guiding a Ph.D student. He gets all his domestic chores done through his protégé. Eventually, he agrees to pass his student's thesis with the intention of getting him married to his sister-in-law.
6MeetingGovt. OfficialThis episode takes on the daily routine of Government bureaucrats who spent most of their day in meaningless meetings and instead of making decisions, form committees and subcommittees, eventually leading to no result.
7DoctorDoctorA take on the callous working habits of doctors in Government hospitals, unionism amongst nurses and ward boys. Jaspal Bhatti plays a doctor who thinks that he lost his watch in a patient's stomach during a surgery.
8Chief GuestChief GuestA satirical take on chief guests arriving late at public functions and thus making audiences wait. The episode illustrates the misery of a chief guest who actually arrives at a function on time.
9Line ManTelephone customerA parody on the working of the Indian telephone department and its officials. It shows the delays in getting telephone connections, and the poor quality of telephone infrastructure in those days.
10TV SerialProducerBased on the lack of creative content in TV productions. It parodied an attempt to produce a television programme by individuals with money but no qualifications. Jaspal Bhatti plays the producer here.
