Fly America Act

The Fly America Act refers to the provisions enacted by Title 49 of the United States Code, Subtitle VII, Part A, subpart I, Chapter 401, 40118 – Government-Financed Air Transportation.
The Fly America Act is applicable to all travel funded by United States federal government funds and requires the use of "U.S. flag" airlines with a few exceptions. These individuals include U.S. federal government employees, their dependents, consultants, contractors, grantees, and others.
The Fly America Act is incorporated into the Federal Acquisition Regulations at Subpart 47.4—Air Transportation by U.S.‑Flag Carriers and is, therefore, applicable to all U.S. government contracts issued to U.S. and non‑U.S. companies, except for commercial item contractors, which are exempt from the act under Part 12.503 of the FAR.
The Fly America Act does not prohibit travel funded by civilian government agencies on carriers associated with nations that have a qualifying "bilateral or multilateral agreement" with the United States; however, travelers must complete a declaration that such an agreement exists. Although the United States has entered into more than 100 Open Skies agreements, only a few of them are considered qualifying "bilateral or multilateral agreement"; they are the agreements with the European Union, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, and Japan. A full list of Open Skies partners is available from the U.S. State Department.
British owned airlines will no longer be part of the Fly America program after the United Kingdom leaves the European Union.