Flying Disc Man from Mars

Flying Disc Man from Mars is a 1950 Republic Pictures 12-chapter black-and-white science fiction adventure film serial, produced by Franklin Adreon, directed by Fred C. Brannon, that stars Walter Reed, Lois Collier, Gregory Gaye, James Craven, Harry Lauter, and Richard Irving. Disc Man is considered a weak example of the serial medium, even compared to other post-World War II serials.


Martian invader, Mota, attempts to conquer the Earth as Mars is worried about its use of new atomic technology. The Martians consider that it would be much safer, and beneficial for both Earth and Mars, if the Martians were in charge. Mota, having been shot down by an experimental ray gun, blackmails American scientist, and former Nazi, Dr. Bryant into assisting him and hires some criminals to be his henchmen.
Kent Fowler, the private pilot who shot down Mota with Dr. Bryant's ray gun, gets caught up in these events while working security for atomic industrial sites.

Chapter titles & run times

  1. "Menace from Mars"
  2. "The Volcano's Secret"
  3. "Death Rides the Stratosphere"
  4. "Execution by Fire"
  5. "The Living Projectile"
  6. "Perilous Mission"
  7. "Descending Doom"
  8. "Suicidal Sacrifice"
  9. "The Funeral Pyre"
  10. "Weapons of Hate" - re-cap chapter
  11. "Disaster on the Highway"
  12. "Volcanic Vengeance"


Pilot Kent Fowler survives the end of each serial chapter by bailing out of whatever vehicle he is flying in or driving in at time.


Flying Disc Man from Mars was budgeted at $152,640, although the final negative cost was $157,439. It was the most expensive Republic serial made in 1950.
Disc Man was filmed between August 21 and September 12, 1950 under several working titles: Atom Man from Mars, Disc Man from Mars, Disc Men of the Skies, Flying Planet Men, and Jet Man from Mars. The serial's production number was 1709.
This is a sequel to Republic's earlier serial The Purple Monster Strikes. The villain Mota reuses the Purple Monster costume from that serial.

Special effects

The flying disc aircraft from Republic's King of the Mounties is reused for this serial. In some shots this flying wing footage is from Republic's Spy Smasher serial, where the tail fin is missing.
Stock footage from several earlier Republic serials was reused to pad out Disc Man in order to lower its production costs. This includes the rocket crash from The Purple Monster Strikes, a car chase from Secret Service in Darkest Africa, and various scenes from G-Men vs. the Black Dragon.
All special effects in this serial were produced by the Lydecker brothers, the in-house duo who designed most of Republic's special effects.



Flying Disc Man from Mars's official release date is 25 October 1950, although this is actually the date the sixth chapter was made available to film exchanges.
This was followed by a re-release of The Tiger Woman, re-titled as Perils of the Darkest Jungle, instead of a new serial. The next new serial, Don Daredevil Rides Again, followed in spring of 1951.
A 75-minute feature film version, created by editing the serial footage together, was released on March 28, 1958 under the new title Missile Monsters. It was one of 14 feature films Republic made from their serials.