Fogang County

Fogang County is a county of north-central Guangdong province, People's Republic of China. It is under the administration of Qingyuan City, and is connected to major cities in Guangdong by public highways and toll roads. The closest aviation hub is Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport.
Fogang comprises a central township and numerous satellite villages, and has a total population of around 300,000. Agriculture remains a significant contributor to the County's economy, with fruits, vegetables and grains being grown by local farmers and entrepreneurs.
In recent years, the county has experienced steady growth in size and population, accompanied by rapid economic development. Industrial zones have been established outside the township, with textiles among the main factory products.


Early years of the Republic of China, fe gang said hall, still belongs to guangdong road. Three years of the Republic of China on June 3, taken to county hall, said fogang county.


Nine years of the Republic of China, the abolition of the Settings, fe gang county belongs to the bureau of the central appeasement jurisdiction over instead.
17 years of the Republic of China, problems arising from beijiang bureau.
25 years of the Republic of China in July, belong to the second district of guangdong province administrative supervision bureau.
32 years of the Republic of China, belongs to the fifth district administrative office of the inspector.
35 years of the Republic of China, the province set up four division district 13 district, fe gang district belongs to the same division.
36 years of the Republic of China, the entire province divided into 11 special supervision area, fe gang belongs to the special supervision area; 2.
On October 12, 1949, fe gang county liberation, fe gang XianShu beijiang temporary administrative committee.
On April 13, 1952, fe gang county office and conghua county offices, fe gang office only. Then in October, the county office, fe gang county is still the beijiang river special.
On October 23, 1958, fe gang county merged with conghua county, said county, conghua belongs to administrative bureau of shaoguan. In January 1959, conghua county ranks foshan special jurisdiction, on April 11, 1960 and over in guangzhou.
On May 4, 1961, the original Buddha county jurisdiction by conghua county to separate, restore fe gang county organizational system.
On June 15, 1963, fe gang county ranks of shaoguan zone.
On July 26, 1983, fe gang county guangzhou governs.
On January 7, 1988, fe gang county, qingyuan city governs.


Tofu Festival, Each day of the first lunar month 13, fe gang county goldkorn shegang town village is under the tofu festival.


Cantonese and hakka


Buddha mountain provincial nature reserve, the entry for longtan mountain villa
