Foreign-born population of Australia

In 2019, 30% of the Australian resident population, or 7,529,570 people, were born overseas.

International comparison

Australia has one of the highest amounts of foreign-born residents in the world, as well as one of the highest immigration rates in the world.
Immigrants account for 30% of the population, a higher proportion than in any other nation with a population of over 10 million.
In 2015, Australia had the 8th highest foreign-born population in the world, behind Canada but ahead of France. The United States was ranked 1st, with over 46 million foreign-born residents. The over 7 million immigrants in Australia constituted 3.1% of all immigrants in the world.
For foreign-born residents per capita, Australia was ranked the 11th highest sovereign country ahead of Lebanon and behind Jordan. Vatican City was 1st, its population of 800 were 100% foreign-born. If dependent territories were included, then Australia's rank fell to 27th.
From 2010-2015, Australia had the 14th highest net migration rate in the world. For 2015-2020, Australia's migration rate was projected to fall, however the country's rank was expected to remain steady at 14th due to similar falls in other countries.

Population by country of birth (2019)

The following table shows Australia's population by country of birth as estimated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 2019. It shows only countries or regions or birth with a population of over 100,000 residing in Australia.

Population by country of birth (communities of over 30,000 people)

The following table shows Australia's population by country of birth during historical census years.
Place of birthStatusEstimated resident population,
2016 census
Estimated resident population,
2011 census
Estimated resident population,
2006 census
Estimated resident population,
2001 census
Australia Increasing15,614,83415,017,84614,072,94613,629,685
England Stagnant907,568911,593856,939847,365
New Zealand Increasing518,462483,398389,465355,765
Mainland China Increasing509,558318,969206,588142,780
India Increasing455,385295,362147,10695,452
Philippines Increasing232,391171,233120,540103,942
Vietnam Increasing219,351185,039159,850154,831
Italy Decreasing174,042185,402199,124218,718
South Africa Increasing162,450145,683104,13279,425
Malaysia Increasing138,363116,19692,33578,858
Scotland Decreasing119,416133,432130,206137,252
Sri Lanka Increasing109,85086,41262,25653,461
Germany Stagnant102,594108,002106,524108,220
South Korea Increasing98,77574,53852,76338,900
Greece Decreasing93,74099,938109,990116,431
Hong Kong Increasing86,88674,95571,80367,122
United States Increasing86,12677,00961,72153,694
Lebanon Stagnant78,64976,45074,84971,349
Ireland Increasing74,89167,31850,25650,235
Indonesia Increasing73,21863,15950,97447,158
Netherlands Decreasing70,17276,04678,92483,324
Iraq Increasing67,35348,16932,52024,832
Thailand Increasing66,22845,46430,55423,600
Pakistan Increasing61,91830,22116,993
Fiji Increasing61,47256,97848,14244,261
Iran Increasing58,11234,45422,549
Singapore Increasing54,93448,64739,97233,485
Nepal Increasing54,75724,6354,566
Taiwan Increasing46,82228,62724,370
Afghanistan Increasing46,79928,59816,751
Poland Decreasing45,37048,67752,25458,110
Croatia Decreasing43,68748,82850,99651,909
Canada Increasing43,05338,87131,61427,289
Japan Increasing42,42035,37730,778
Bangladesh Increasing42,42027,80816,096
Egypt Increasing39,77636,53233,496
North Macedonia Decreasing38,98640,22240,65643,527
Malta Decreasing37,60941,27443,70046,998
Zimbabwe Increasing34,78930,25120,155
Cambodia Increasing33,15228,32924,528
Myanmar Increasing32,65621,76012,378
Turkey Stagnant32,18332,84430,49029,821
France Increasing31,12024,67519,18617,268

Foreign-born population by state/territory

As per the 2016 Census, while 6 out of every 10 migrants live in Victoria or New South Wales, there had been a noticeable increase in the number of migrants that settled down Western Australia and Queensland.
In 2016, among all the capital cities in Australia, Sydney – at 1,773,496 – had the highest overseas-born population. Melbourne, on the other hand, had 1,520,253 overseas-born individuals living in the city as per the 2016 Census. Perth, with 702,545 in 2016, came in at the third spot on the list of cities with the highest number of overseas-born population.
According to the 2016 Census, among all the Australian states and territories, Western Australia had the largest population of overseas-born individuals.