In preparation for Oklahoma's admission to the union on an "equal footing with the original states" by 1907, through a series of acts, including the Oklahoma Organic Act and the Oklahoma Enabling Act, Congress attempted to unilaterally dissolve all sovereign tribal governments within the state of Oklahoma. The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals held in 2017 that at least one tribe, the modern Muscogee Nation, was never actually dissolved. Congress also transferred all tribal lands by land patent to either individual tribal members, sold to non-tribal members on a first-come basis, or was held in trust by the Federal government for the benefit of the members of the tribes. By 1936 the federal government had changed its policy with regards to Indian tribes, and Indian nations within the state of Oklahoma were reinstated by the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act. However, by that time, the State of Oklahoma was a sovereign state and the powers and authorities that other non-Oklahoma reservations possess could not be taken back from the State of Oklahoma. Congress tried to further rectify the situation through the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, which authorized substantial tax incentives based on certain business activity within Indian reservations. Congress wanted to insure these benefits would also be available in Oklahoma by including in the legal definition of Indian reservation the term former Indian reservations in Oklahoma. In a 1997 amendment, these lands were defined as those lands as the "then-current jurisdictional areas" of Oklahoma Indian tribes, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior.
Tax benefits
In 1998 the IRS issued Notice 98-45 which established the boundaries of the Former Indian Reservations in Oklahoma. For tax purposes, current and former lands owned by Indian tribes are treated as if they are an Indian reservation, regardless of current ownership. Approximately 2/3 of the State of Oklahoma is treated as if it were an Indian reservation for tax purposes. In 2010, the IRS issued Memorandum AM2010-33 which addressed a tribe in Oklahoma issuing Tribal Economic Development Bonds.
Accelerated cost recovery (depreciation)
The Internal Revenue Code of 1986 provides for additional accelerated depreciation of property placed on an Indian reservation. In general, depreciation schedules are about 1/3 of the time of regular depreciation schedules. To be eligible, the property must:
be used by the taxpayer predominantly in the active conduct of a trade or business within an Indian reservation on a regular basis
not be used or located outside the Indian reservation on a regular basis.
not be used in conducting or housing class I, II or III gaming as defined in the Indian Regulatory Act.
not be owned by a person who is required to use the "alternative depreciation system".
be placed in service before January 1, 2008.
These accelerated depreciation schedules have been scheduled to expire, and have been reauthorized several times since their implementation.
Economic development benefits
A HUBZone is a Small Business Administration program that provides incentives for companies to locate and employ people in Historically Underutilized Business Zones. In addition to income criteria, any lands within the external boundaries of a Federally Recognized Indian Reservation, or a former Indian reservation in Oklahoma is included. Government agencies are required to spend at least 3% of their budgets with prime contractors located in HUBZones.
The Department of Defense Indian Incentive Program, part of the Office of Small Business, provides a 5% rebate to a prime contractor, based on the total amount subcontracted to an Indian-Owned Economic Enterprise or Indian Organization To qualify, the organization must be at least 51% owned by an entity of a federally recognized tribe.