Fortress of Islam, Heart of Asia

"Fortress of Islam, Heart of Asia" is a Afghan mujahideen battle song composed in 1919 by Ustad Qasim. It was adopted as the national anthem of Afghanistan from 1992 to 2006
During the late 1990s, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan under the Taliban took control over most of Afghanistan from the UN-recognized government and ruled most of the country until late 2001. The Taliban outlawed music throughout the territory that they controlled, which consisted of most of the country. As such, most of Afghanistan practically was left without a national anthem during that time, until late 2001 when the Taliban was overthrown. The song was reintroduced by the new transitional government of Afghanistan in 2002; it remained such when the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was established in 2004 and was used by the latter until 2006.
