Foster Stockwell

Foster Paul Stockwell is an American writer, historian and publishing consultant for Chinese publishers and authors.


He is the son of Francis Olin and Esther Stockwell, two Methodist missionaries who went to Fuzhou, Fujian, in 1929 then to Chengdu, Sichuan, in 1939. He grew up and went to primary school in Chengdu, in southwestern China, in the 1940s.
His father, Olin Stockwell, spent two years in prison in the town of Chongqing as a suspected spy just after the establishment of the People's Republic of China and wrote a book about it: With God in Red China.
Foster Stockwell attended several universities. He married on December 16, 1955. They have one child, Norman.
He is the author of books dealing with subjects as diverse as religion in China, information storage and retrieval, American communes, the exploration of China, genealogical research, misinterpretations of the Bible.
Foster Stockwell has visited China many times in the last decades.
He has been an editor for two major encyclopedias, a newspaper editor, and a publishing consultant for Chinese publishers and authors. He lives in Des Moines, Washington.
