Four Kings
Four Kings is an American sitcom television series that aired on NBC from January 5 to March 16, 2006, as a part of winter 2006 programming but cancelled before the end of the season. It aired at 8:30 p.m. on Thursdays. It starred Seth Green, Josh Cooke, Shane McRae, and Todd Grinnell. The show was created by David Kohan and Max Mutchnick, both of whom created Will & Grace.
The show centers on four childhood friends who live in New York City. The show's theme is "Hanginaround" by Counting Crows. Four Kings was pulled from NBC's schedule after its airing on March 16, 2006, and on May 15, 2006, NBC confirmed the show's cancellation. Two of the show's stars had already signed on to new projects, which did not bode well for the show's chances of renewal. Though NBC originally announced that they would air the remaining episodes beginning May 5, 2006, they did not follow through—the unaired episodes would eventually air in syndication on the Living network in the UK, and on the Nine Network in Australia.Cast
- Seth Green as Barry Klein
- Todd Grinnell as Jason
- Shane McRae as Bobby
- Josh Cooke as Ben Wolf