Foxley Wood

Foxley Wood is a nature reserve in Foxley, Norfolk, England, the largest ancient woodland and coppice in Norfolk. The Norfolk Wildlife Trust, which manages this reserve, bought it in 1998. It is in size. It is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, a Nature Conservation Review site, Grade 2, and a National Nature Reserve.

Location and history

Foxley Wood is north-west of Norwich, away from the Fakenham road, near Honeypot Wood.
The nature reserve is currently the largest ancient woodland and coppice in Norfolk. The woodland is recorded in Domesday Book and parts of it are known to be over 6,000 years old. For the past 1,000 years, it was a source of wood, but demand decreased in the 20th century. Because of the drop in demand, Foxley Wood became neglected. In the 1990s it was privately owned and managed by the Forestry Commission, and was acquired by the Norfolk Wildlife Trust in 1998.
It is open to the public every day except Thursday.

Flora and fauna

The woodland is rich in flora with over 250 species recorded. These include herb paris, early purple orchid, lily of the valley, common bluebell, dog's mercury, purple hairstreak, meadowsweet, water avens, fleabane and meadow brown. Bluebells are among the main attractions for visitors in spring.
Trees growing in the reserve include oak, the wood is damaged by roads and ditches resulting from timber exploitation: "Foxley Wood has been badly damaged by modern forestry."