Fradl Shtok

Fradl Shtok was a Jewish-American Yiddish-language poet and writer, who immigrated to the United States from Galicia, Austria-Hungary, at the age of 18 or 19. She is known as one of the first Yiddish poets to use the sonnet form; and her stories, which were less well received than her poems in her lifetime, have since been recognized as innovative for their exploration of subjectivity, and, in particular, for their depiction of Jewish female characters at odds with traditional roles and expectations.


Fradl Shtok was born in the shtetl, or small town, of Skala, in eastern Galicia, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Her mother died when she was one year old, and her father went to prison a few years later, for his part in the murder of a man during a brawl; after that she was raised by an aunt. Shtok was a talented student, played the violin, and could recite from the works of the classic German poets Goethe and Schiller.
In 1907, she immigrated to the United States, settling in New York City. Beginning in 1910, she published poems and stories in Yiddish periodicals and anthologies, mostly in publications of the literary group known as Di Yunge. In 1914, Shtok was among a group of writers led by Joseph Opatoshu, who broke away from Di Yunge out of a philosophic disagreement, and published their own anthology, Di naye heym, edited by Opatoshu; not satisfied with their colleagues' emphasis on literary playfulness, the writers of Di naye heym were interested in exploring the ties between their own milieu and the past generation. The anthology included a cycle of eight sonnets by Shtok.
Shtok was recognized in her own time and later as a significant lyric voice in Yiddish. Jacob Glatstein wrote appreciatively in retrospect: "Her poetry is elegant, original ... masterful ... capable of inscribing a beautiful chapter into Yiddish poetry". In an analysis of two major anthologies of Yiddish poetry published in the early 20th century, the scholar Kathryn Hellerstein notes that "Shtok stands out as an innovator in verse forms, enriching the meters and stanzas of Yiddish poetry." In Moyshe Bassin's anthology of Yiddish poetry over five centuries, volume two, which included only a narrow selection of female poets, Shtok was by far the best represented. A generous selection of Shtok's poems also appeared in Ezra Korman's 1928 anthology of Yiddish poetry by women from the 16th century to the contemporary era, which included 70 women poets.
In 1919, Fradl Shtok published a collection of 38 stories, Gezamelte ertsehlungen. Most of the stories are set in a shtetl that resembles, or, in some instances, is directly or indirectly identified as her hometown Skala, while ten stories take place in a Jewish immigrant milieu in the United States. Contemporary reviews of the book were mixed, with one or two striking a particularly negative tone.
Subsequently, Shtok withdrew from the Yiddish literary scene. In 1927 she published a novel in English, Musicians Only, which received no attention from critics in either English or Yiddish.
In 1942 Shtok was in contact with Abraham Cahan, editor of the Yiddish newspaper Forverts, and he received from her a new story in Yiddish, "A soycher fun fel", which appeared in the newspaper on November 19, 1942.
Her correspondence with Cahan indicated that she was at that time going by the name of Frances Zinn, and was living in California. She likely died in the Hollywood, California, in 1952.

