Francis David Morice

Francis David Morice was an English entomologist who specialised in Hymenoptera.
The Reverend Francis David Morice was a noted theologist, linguist, and classical scholar who wrote Stories in Attic Greek, still in print. Educated at Winchester, from which he passed in 1866 to New College, Oxford, he gained high distinction as a classical scholar, and in 1874 was appointed a master at Rugby under Dr. Jex-Blake. Here he remained for twenty years, retiring ultimately in 1894 to Woking, where he took a house next to his great friend Edward Saunders, and devoted himself to entomological research.
in 2019
His work in entomology involved extensive travel. Morice made collecting expeditions to Egypt, Algeria, Asia Minor, Mesopotamia and Persia.
Morice was President of the Royal Entomological Society. He is buried in Brookwood Cemetery next to Edward Saunders.
Insects named in his honour include:
Partial List