Frank Engel (politician)

Frank Engel is a Luxembourgish politician and a former Member of the European Parliament from Luxembourg. He is a member of the Christian Social People's Party, part of the European People's Party.


Frank Engel completed his primary and secondary education in Diekirch, Luxembourg. He studied law at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and received a maîtrise in private law from the Université de Metz. During his studies he became a member of the national committee of CSJ, the youth wing of CSV and was the president of several youth organisations, such as the National Union of Students, the National Youth Council and the European Federation of Christian Democrat Students.
After working as an independent consultant, he became the Editor in chief of CODEX, which is a website offering legal information. In 1999 he joined Jacques Santer's cabinet in the European Parliament and in 2001 he became the Secretary General of the CSV parliamentary group. He held the position until 2009, when he stood for the European elections for the first time and was elected to the European Parliament.

Political career

Engel is the youngest MEP from his country and the head of the Luxembourgish EPP delegation.
At the European Parliament, he participates in the following committees:
He is also active in the following delegations:
Previously, he has been a member of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, of the Special Committee on the Financial, Economic and Social Crisis and of the Special Committee on the Policy Challenges and Budgetary Resources for a sustainable European Union after 2013.

He has written three books on European issues: the 'Europa in der großen Krise Ein Drama in drei Akten' in 2009, 'Die Schulden überwinden - Ein Haushalt für den Euro' in 2012 and 'Projet de Manifeste pour les États-Unis d'Europe' in 2013.

Other activities

Since 2006, Engel has been serving as Honorary Consul of Armenia to Luxembourg. He has also contributed to the book "Europe's Next Avoidable War: Nagorno-Karabakh" with the chapter "The Karabakh Dilemma: Right to Self-Determination, Imperative of Territorial Integrity, or a Caucasian New Deal?".


In February 2018, Engel went to Nagorno-Karabakh as part of a so-called friendship group with three other MEPs to observe a referendum vote on changes to the constitution. The European Parliament later said Engel’s visit undermined the official position of the EU, which did not recognize the holding of a referendum in Nagorno-Karabakh as it does not formally recognize the territory.