Frank Zindler

Frank R. Zindler is an American atheist who served as interim president of the atheist organization American Atheists in 2008. Prior to his involvement in the atheist community, he was Chairman, Division of Science, Nursing, & Technology, at Fulton-Montgomery Community College of the State University of New York. After the abduction and murder of Madalyn Murray O'Hair, her son Jon Garth Murray, and granddaughter Robin Eileen Murray-O'Hair in 1995, he became editor of both American Atheist magazine and Director of American Atheist Press. In the spring of 2011, he published a multi-volume anthology of his short essays and other works.
At a party celebrating his 80th birthday, he came out of the closet as a gay man by giving a dramatic reading of the "Confessions" part of his autobiography.
CONFESSIONS OF A BORN-AGAIN ATHEIST: The Implausible lives of a Godless Guy is an autobiography in the form of 29 memoirs, each one focusing on Zindler's many lives, beginning with his life on an Austrian-type farm in Michigan during WWII ; his tormented childhood and early college years as a homosexual living in a state where homosexual acts were felonies on par with first-degree murder; his life as a child prodigy in music, science, and linguistics; his life as a demimonde Don Juan; his life as a four-generational pater familias and his 48-year loving marriage to Ann; his life as a hypnotherapist, scientist, and Atheist activist, educator, and science professor; his life as a close confidant to Madalyn Murray O'Hair and his efforts to resurrect American Atheist Press after her abduction and murder in 1995. In this intimate self-portrait, an octogenarian public figure at last comes out of the closet.


Zindler is an outspoken opponent of Creationism and has participated in several Evolution v. Creation debates. He also had a famous debate with philosopher and theologian William Lane Craig at Willow Creek Community Church, South Barrington, IL on June 27, 1993.
Zindler is also a proponent of the mythicist theory that no historical person lies behind the Gospel picture of Jesus of Nazareth. After the publication of Bart Ehrman's 2012 book Did Jesus Exist? The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth arguing for the existence of a historical Jesus, Zindler and Robert M. Price co-edited an anthology of essays by various mythicists arguing against Ehrman's position.

Selected bibliography

Zindler has authored, co-authored or edited several texts on atheism:
Zindler, Frank R.. Confessions of a Born-Again Atheist: The Implausible Lives of a Godless Guy. American Atheist Press..