Freddie (TV series)

Freddie is an American television sitcom created by Conrad Jackson, Freddie Prinze Jr., Bruce Rasmussen, Bruce Helford that aired from October 12, 2005, to May 31, 2006. Freddie is inspired by Prinze Jr.'s real life, growing up in a house filled with women. His lifelong friend, Conrad Jackson, co-created this series with Prinze, along with executive producers Bruce Helford and Bruce Rasmussen.


Freddie was co-produced by Hunga Rican and Excitable Boy! in association with and Mohawk Productions and Warner Bros. Television. The friendship between Freddie and Chris in the show was loosely based on Jackson and Freddie's real-life friendship. It was reported by Variety on May 12, 2006, that ABC had decided not to renew the series, which was confirmed on May 15, 2006. The show aired in reruns on Sí TV in the United States, and on Trouble in the United Kingdom until the channels closed. The show also had a crossover episode with George Lopez.

Cast and characters


The show received a largely negative critical reception, with review aggregator Metacritic awarding the show 33 out of 100 based on 24 reviews.
Tim Goodman of the San Francisco Chronicle called the show "stupid" and "annoying", along with fellow ABC sitcom Hot Properties.

