Fredrik Svensk

Fredrik Svensk, born 1974, is an art critic based in Gothenburg, Sweden.
At Valand School of Fine Arts, University of Gothenburg, he is a part-time lecturer teaching art and culture theory and is running the Valand Seminar for Advanced Art Theory.
From 2011 he is the Editor-in-Chief at Paletten Art Journal, with Milou Allerholm and Sinziana Ravini, focusing on how to rethink the notion of autonomy with contemporary art and politics. From 2011 he is a staff writer and member or the editorial group at
2004-2007 he was a contributing editor and staff writer at Paletten Art Journal, and has been contributing to journals, books and newspapers such as: Glänta, SITE MAGAZINE, Paletten, Sarai Reader, Neue Review, Anarchitecture, Paris, Res Publica, Aftonbladet kultur, Helsingborgs Dagblad and Göteborgs-Posten. He has also been translating texts by writers such as Gilles Deleuze.
Recent curatorial projects at Röda Sten Konsthall, Gothenburg: