Free Knowledge Foundation

The Free Knowledge Foundation is an organization aiming to promote Free Knowledge, including Free Software and Free Standards. It was founded in 2004 and is based in Madrid, Spain.
Pablo Machón has been FKF's president since 2004. In 2005, the Foundation appointed Richard Stallman as Patron of Honor.
In 2006 the FKF became an associate organization of the Free Software Foundation Europe.


FKF organizes LibreMeeting, the International Free Knowledge Meeting of Madrid. It is usually held at La Cristelera Residence, in the town of Miraflores de la Sierra, 50 km. away from Madrid.
The Foundation presents the awards at LibreMeeting. These awards are honored to people or organizations that promote free knowledge. Some of the recipients are:
The FKF organizes other events apart from Libremeeting, and participates with speakers at relevant international events related to Free Software and Free Knowledge.