French battleship Suffren

Suffren was a pre-dreadnought battleship built for the Marine Nationale in the first decade of the twentieth century. Completed in 1902, Suffren was assigned to the Mediterranean Squadron for most of her career and often served as a flagship. She had an eventful career as she twice collided with French ships and twice had propeller shafts break before the start of World War I in 1914. The ship was assigned to join the naval operations off the Dardanelles, where she participated in a series of attacks on the Ottoman fortifications guarding the straits.
Suffren was moderately damaged during the fighting on 18 March 1915 and had to be sent to Toulon for repairs. Upon their completion she returned to provide gunfire support for the Allied forces during the Gallipoli Campaign. The ship provided covering fire as the Allies withdrew from the peninsula and accidentally sank one of the evacuation ships. After repairs she was assigned to the French squadron tasked to prevent any interference by the Greeks with Allied operations on the Salonica Front. While en route to Lorient for a refit, Suffren was torpedoed off Lisbon by a German submarine on 26 November 1916 and sunk with all hands.

Design and description

To save time Suffren was only intended to be an updated version of with modest improvements in armament and armour, but the number of improvements grew as the project was discussed by the Board of Construction so that she was essentially a new design, only retaining some of Iénas layout. The biggest changes were the mounting of the bulk of the secondary armament in turrets, rather than Iénas casemates, and the constant thickness of the waterline belt armour compared to Iénas belt which thinned towards the ends of the ship. Stowage of shells for the main armament also increased from 45 to 60 rounds per gun.

General characteristics

Suffren was longer than Iéna being long overall. She had a beam of and a draught of forward and aft. She displaced at normal displacement, and at full load, over more than the earlier ship. Suffren was fitted with bilge keels to reduce her rolling. Her crew numbered 31 officers and 637 men as a private ship and 42 officers and 700 sailors as a flagship.


Suffren was powered by three Indret vertical triple-expansion steam engines, each driving one propeller shaft. The centre shaft drove a three-bladed screw propeller and the wing propellers were four-bladed; each was in diameter. The engines used steam provided by 24 Niclausse boilers at a working pressure of. The engines were rated at and were intended to give the ship a speed of. During her sea trials on 12 November 1903, they produced and gave a top speed of. The ship carried a maximum of of coal which allowed her to steam for at a speed of. Suffren carried of fuel oil to be sprayed on the coal to improve its burn rate. The ship's 80-volt electrical power was provided by two 600-ampere and three 1,200-ampere dynamos.


Like Iéna, Suffren carried her main armament of four 40-calibre Canon de Modèle 1893/96 guns in two twin-gun turrets, one each fore and aft of the superstructure. The turrets were traversed by electric motors, but were elevated and depressed by hand. The guns were loaded at an angle of −5° and they had a maximum elevation of +15°. They fired armour-piercing projectiles at the rate of roughly one round per minute. They had a muzzle velocity of which gave a range of at maximum elevation. Suffren carried 60 shells for each gun with each turret holding ready-use racks for 22 projectiles.
The ship's secondary armament consisted of ten 45-calibre Canon de Modèle 1893/96 guns. Six of these were mounted in single-gun turrets on each side of the superstructure and the remaining four guns were positioned below them on the upper deck in individual casemates that were sponsoned out over the tumblehome of the sides. The guns fired shells at a muzzle velocity of to a maximum range of. Their theoretical rate of fire was between two and three rounds per minute. She carried 200 shells for each gun. Suffren also carried eight 45-calibre Canon de Modèle 1893 guns in shielded mounts on the shelter deck and on the superstructure. These guns fired a projectile at, which could be elevated up to +20° for a maximum range of. Their maximum rate of fire was four rounds per minute. The ship carried 2,000 shells for these guns.
For defence again torpedo boats, Suffren mounted twenty-two 50-calibre Canon de Modèle 1885 Hotchkiss guns. They were positioned in the fighting tops and on the superstructure. They fired a projectile at to a maximum range of. Their theoretical maximum rate of fire was fifteen rounds per minute, but only seven rounds per minute sustained. Suffren carried 16,500 rounds for these guns. Two Modèle 1885 Hotchkiss guns were also mounted on the upper bridge.
The ship was equipped with four torpedo tubes on the broadside. Two of these were submerged, the forward turret, and fixed at a 30° angle to the beam. The two above-water tubes could traverse 80°. Normally Suffren carried twelve Modèle 1892 torpedoes, of which four were training models.


Suffren had a complete waterline armour belt of Harvey armour that had a maximum thickness of amidships and reduced to at the bow and at the stern. The lower edge of this belt was in thickness amidships and thinned to at the bow and at the stern. The armour plates were high of which above the waterline and below it. Above this was a strake of special-steel armour that extended from the bow to the aft transverse bulkhead below the aft main-gun turret. In thickness it ranged from at the bow to amidships. This armour was backed by a highly subdivided cofferdam intended to reduce flooding from any penetrating hits as its compartments were filled by water-resistant "bricks" of dried Zostera seaweed. The outer sides of the casemates were protected by special-steel plates 110 millimetres thick. The casemates were separated by an transverse bulkhead and a centreline bulkhead thick subdivided the casemates.
The main turret armour was in thickness with a 50-millimetre roof and the barbettes were protected by of armour. The armour for the secondary turrets ranged from thick at the front to at the rear. The conning tower had walls thick and its communications tube was protected by of armour. The armoured deck consisted of mild-steel plates laid over two plates. The splinter deck beneath it comprised two layers of plates.

Construction and career


Suffren, named after Vice-amiral Pierre André de Suffren de Saint-Tropez, was ordered on 21 April 1898 from the Arsenal de Brest. She was laid down on 5 January 1899 and launched on 25 July of the same year. Her fitting-out was delayed by late delivery of fittings and armour from July 1900. Suffren began her sea trials in November 1903, but was not commissioned until 3 February 1904. On 18 August 1903 she participated in a gunnery trial with the pre-dreadnought off Île Longue. A mild-steel plate thick, measuring, was attached to the side of Suffrens forward turret to determine the resistance of an armour plate to a large-calibre shell. Masséna anchored away from Suffren and fired a number of 305-millimetre shells at the plate. The first three were training shells that knocked splinters off the armour plate. The last two shells, fired with full charges, cracked the plate, but Suffrens turret was fully operational, as was her Germain electrical fire-control system and the six sheep placed in the turret were unharmed. One splinter struck Masséna above her armour belt and left a 15-centimetre sized hole in her hull. Another splinter landed within a few metres of the Naval Minister, Camille Pelletan, who was observing the trials.
When Suffren was commissioned on 3 February 1904 in Brest, she was assigned to the Escadre de la Méditerranée shortly afterwards. After arriving in Toulon, she became the flagship of its commander, Vice-amiral Palma Gourdon, on 24 February. Two months later she carried the President of France, Émile Loubet, on a state visit to Naples. As time went by several defects were revealed in service, including the weakness of the underpowered capstan which was barely capable of raising the anchor in waters deep. Another problem was that the centre engine and its propeller shaft tended to overheat. Gourdon was relieved by Vice-amiral Charles Touchard on 4 October 1905. During fleet exercises off the Îles des Hyères on 5 February 1906 Suffren rammed the submarine when the latter miscalculated the fleet's movements while manoeuvring into firing position. Bonite rose to periscope depth less than in front of Suffren, but the latter managed to turn quickly enough while Bonite was crash-diving that Suffren only struck Bonite a glancing blow. This was enough, however, to breach two compartments abreast the ship's starboard engine room and she had to be docked at Toulon for emergency repairs. Bonites bow was crushed and several of her ballast tanks were ripped open. Only by rapidly dropping her weighted keel was the submarine able to avoid sinking. No casualties were suffered by either vessel. During the summer of 1906 Suffrens above-water torpedo tubes were removed. She then participated in an international fleet review in Marseille on 16 September.
She was drydocked adjacent to Iéna on 12 March 1907 at Toulon when the latter ship's magazine exploded. Burning fragments started a small fire aboard Suffren, but she was not otherwise damaged by the explosion and participated in the annual fleet manoeuvres that began on 1 July. By 5 November, the ship had been replaced as flagship by the semi-dreadnought, although she remained assigned to the 1re Division cuirassée. In early 1908 a Barr and Stroud rangefinder was mounted on the navigation bridge. Suffren was transferred to the 3e Division cuirassée in July. During manoeuvres off Golfe-Juan on 13 August, the ship's port propeller shaft broke and the propeller fell off in water deep. While a new shaft was ordered from Indret, Iénas corresponding shaft was used with such success that the ship's engineers requested to keep it in place and save the new shaft as a spare. This proposal was rejected by the Naval Ministry and the shafts were exchanged. The opportunity was also taken to rework the centre propeller shaft's mounting so that it would overheat less often. In 1909 the battleships of the Mediterranean Squadron were reorganised into two Escadre de ligne battle squadrons, each with a pair of three-ship battle divisions; with 3e Division cuirassée now assigned to the 2e Escadre de ligne. Suffren, as the most modern of the pre-dreadnoughts, was often attached to the 1re Escadre de ligne to replace ships that were refitting or under repair. In November 1910 the starboard propeller shaft broke and the propeller was lost in deep water. No shaft was immediately available so Suffren had to wait three months for repairs; her boilers were overhauled while a new one was manufactured. On 14 February 1911 the port anchor chain broke, killing one sailor and injuring two others while conducting towing exercises with two other battleships. The ship participated in a naval review near Toulon on 4 September. The Escadre de la Méditerranée was renamed the 1er Armée Navale on 31 October.
When the magazines of the semi-dreadnought exploded in Toulon on 25 September 1911, flying debris from the explosion killed four men aboard Suffren. The ship was reassigned to the 2e Division cuirassée of the 2e Escadre de ligne as a replacement for the sunken battleship. She was transferred to the 1re Division cuirassée of the 3e Escadre de ligne on 14 March 1913 and became the flagship of Vice-amiral Laurent Marin-Darbel, commander of the Escadre de ligne, four days later. The annual manoeuvres of the 1er Armée Navale began on 19 May and the ships were reviewed by President Raymond Poincaré, when they were concluded. The 3e Escadre de ligne was dissolved on 11 November and Suffren became the flagship of Contre-amiral Gabriel Darrieus, commander of the Division de complément, four days later and he was relieved in his turn by Contre-amiral Émile Guépratte on 1 April 1914. During a fleet exercise on 28 May, Suffren accidentally rammed the battleship ; the latter ship was undamaged, but Suffren had her port anchor and hawsepipe carried away and a hole punched in her hull that forced her to return to port for emergency repairs.

World War I

When the Marine Nationale mobilized in anticipation of war on 1 August, the Division de complément was ordered to Algiers, French Algeria to protect the convoy route to Metropolitan France. They conducted their first escort mission on 6 August before arriving at Bizerte, French Tunisia, on the 22nd where they began conducting contraband patrols in the Sicilian Narrows. In September Suffren was fitted with additional Barr and Stround rangefinders near the bridge. Two of these were mounted on transverse rails fore and aft of the bridge. The after bulkhead was removed and the two 100-millimetre guns on the side of the superstructure were moved one deck lower. Guépratte complained that his ships were not well suited to such a mission and he was ordered to take Suffren, the predreadnought and the torpedo cruiser to Port Said, Egypt, to escort troop convoys from British India on 23 September. The following day he was ordered to rendezvous with the semi-dreadnought at the island of Tenedos where he was to place himself under the orders of the British Vice-Admiral Sackville Carden to assist British ships in blockading the Dardanelles to prevent any sortie by the German battlecruiser and the light cruiser back into the Mediterranean. The Division de complément was renamed the Division des Dardanelles to reflect its new role. On 3 November the two French battleships joined British ships bombarding the Ottoman fortifications at the mouth of the Dardanelles. The short bombardment by the Allies, during which Suffren fired 30 shells from her main guns, did little damage, but alerted the Ottomans that their defences there required strengthening. After the predreadnought arrived on 16 November Suffren sailed for Toulon for a lengthy refit.

Dardanelles Campaign

Suffren returned to the Dardanelles on 9 January 1915 and resumed her role as the flagship of the squadron. She bombarded the Ottoman fort of Kum Kale, on the Asian side of the strait on 19 February. assisted Suffren by sending firing corrections via radio while Gaulois provided counter-battery fire to suppress the Ottoman coastal artillery. Late in the day the British pre-dreadnought was bombarding the fort at Orhaniye Tepe on the Asiatic side of the strait and began taking heavy fire as she approached the fort. The British battlecruiser attempted to suppress the Ottoman coast-defence guns to allow Vengeance to extricate herself, but was unsuccessful. Suffren and Gaulois had to combine their fire with that of Inflexible before Vengeance could successfully withdraw. Suffren fired thirty 305-millimetre shells and 227 shells from her secondary guns during the day.
Suffren also participated in a more limited way in the bombardment of 25 February against the same targets, but this was far more successful as Suffren and the other ships moved as close as from the forts. On 2 March the French squadron bombarded targets in the Gulf of Saros, at the base of the Gallipoli Peninsula. On 7 March the French squadron attempted to suppress the Ottoman guns while British battleships bombarded the fortifications. Guépratte and his squadron returned to the Gulf of Saros on 11 March where they again bombarded Ottoman fortifications.
They returned to assist in the major attack on the fortifications planned for 18 March. British ships made the initial entry into the Dardanelles, but the French ships passed through them to engage the forts at closer range. Shortly after having done so Suffren was under heavy fire and was struck no less than 14 times in 15 minutes. Most did no significant damage, including a shell that bounced off the after 305-millimetre turret, but one 24-centimetre shell ricocheted off the port midships 164-millimetre turret and ripped the roof off the port casemate, killing the entire gun crew. Some flaming debris dropped into that gun's magazine and started a fire, but it was quickly flooded to prevent an explosion. Another shell tore a hole across in the bow which flooded the base of the forward turret. While the French Squadron was withdrawing pursuant to Admiral de Robeck's order Bouvet struck a mine and sank in 55 seconds. Suffren lowered her admiral's barge, her only intact boat, and rescued 75 men before she had to escort the badly-damaged Gaulois away from the Dardanelles. The latter was taking on water by the bow and had to be beached on one of the Rabbit Islands at the entrance of the Dardanelles before she sank.
Suffren was ordered to escort Gaulois to Toulon via Malta on 25 March. Two days later the ships encountered a storm and were forced to seek refuge in the Bay of Navarin. Suffren arrived at Toulon on 3 April and was repaired by 20 May when she returned to the Dardanelles to provide gunfire support for the troops ashore. She remained in the area until she fired her last mission on 31 December. Upon returning to her anchorage at Kefalos, on the island of Kos, she collided with, and sank, the British steamer Saint Oswald, a horse transport involved in the evacuation from Gallipoli, and was badly damaged. Suffren arrived in Toulon on 20 January 1916 for repairs which were done by April. That month she joined the French squadron of six pre-dreadnoughts assigned to prevent any interference by the Greeks with Allied operations on the Salonica Front. On 9 July Suffren became briefly flagship of the reestablished 3e Escadre de ligne when Patrie departed for a refit at Toulon. On 7 October Patrie, Démocratie, and Suffren entered the harbour of Eleusina prepared to fire on the Greek pre-dreadnoughts, and the cruiser, but things were resolved peacefully and the French ship returned to their harbour.
Suffren was originally intended to refit at the naval base at Bizerte, but the location was switched when the dockyard at Lorient informed the Naval Staff that it had room for her. On 15 November the ship departed to recoal at Bizerte which she reached on 18 November. She sailed on 20 November for Gibraltar; heavy weather en route delayed her arrival until 23 November. Suffren recoaled and departed Gibraltar the following day, without an escort. On the morning of 26 November, roughly off the Portuguese coast near Lisbon, she was torpedoed by the German submarine, en route to the Austro-Hungarian naval base at Cattaro. The torpedo detonated a magazine and Suffren sank within seconds, taking her entire crew of 648 with her. U-52 searched the scene, but found no survivors.