French frigate Courbet

Courbet is a second-line multi-mission stealth frigate of the French Marine Nationale. She is the third French vessel named after the 19th century admiral Amédée Courbet.

Notable missions

Courbet took part in Opération Baliste. On 3 October 2006, an Israeli fighter penetrated her defence perimeter without responding to radio calls, triggering a diplomatic incident. Israel apologised after official protests from the French government. Throughout September the ship was involved in anti-piracy operations off the coast of Somalia, helping to recapture a yacht taken by pirates on September 2.
In December 2009 Courbet escorted the Marine Nationale cruiser on her final voyage. This was last trip of the famous helicopter carrier that served as a floating embassy and symbol of the French navy for 46 years. Jeanne d'Arcs last voyage in company with Courbet included visits to Africa, South America including Rio to Buenos Aires, the French Antilles, the United States of America including New York City, and Canada. The voyage was completed sometime in May 2010.