Friedrich Hasenöhrl

Friedrich Hasenöhrl, was an Austrian physicist.


Friedrich Hasenöhrl was born in Vienna, Austria-Hungary in 1874. His father was a lawyer and his mother belonged to a prominent aristocratic family. After his elementary education, he studied natural science and mathematics at the University of Vienna under Joseph Stefan and Ludwig Boltzmann. In 1896, he attained a doctorate under Franz-Serafin Exner with a thesis titled "Über den Temperaturkoeffizienten der Dielektrizitätskonstante in Flüssigkeiten und die Mosotti-Clausius'sche Formel".
He worked under Heike Kamerlingh Onnes in Leiden at the low temperature laboratory, and there he also befriended H. A. Lorentz.
In 1907 he became Boltzmann's successor at the University of Vienna as the head of the Department of Theoretical Physics. He had a number of illustrious pupils there and had an especially significant impact on Erwin Schrödinger, who later won the Nobel Prize for Physics for his contributions to quantum mechanics.
When the war broke out in 1914, he volunteered at once into the Austria-Hungarian army. He fought as Oberleutnant against the Italians in Tyrol. He was wounded, recovered and returned to the front. He was then killed by a grenade in an attack on Mount Plaut on 7 October 1915 at the age of 40.

Cavity radiation

Since J. J. Thomson in 1881, many physicists like Wilhelm Wien, Max Abraham, and Hendrik Lorentz used equations equivalent to
for the so-called "electromagnetic mass", which expresses how much electromagnetic energy contributes to the mass of bodies. And Henri Poincaré implicitly used the expression m=E/c2 for the mass of electromagnetic energy.
Following this line of thought, Hasenöhrl published several papers on the inertia of a cavity containing radiation. This was an entirely classical derivation and used Maxwell's equation for the pressure of light. Hasenöhrl specifically associated the "apparent" mass via inertia with the energy concept through the equation:
where μ is the apparent mass, E0 is the radiation energy, and the speed of light. Subsequently, he used the notation:
where hε0 is the radiation energy. He also concluded that this result is valid for all radiating bodies, i.e. for all bodies whose temperature is > 0°K. For this result Hasenöhrl was awarded the Haitinger Prize of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. He wrote in 1904:
However, it was shown by Abraham that Hasenöhrl's calculation for the apparent mass was incorrect, so he published another paper in 1905, where he presented Abraham's criticism and corrected his formula to:
This was the same relation as for the electromagnetic mass formula given above. Hasenöhrl's results by using cavity radiation was further elaborated and criticized by Kurd von Mosengeil who already incorporated Albert Einstein's theory of relativity in his work. A broad outline of relativistic thermodynamics and mass-energy equivalence using cavity radiation was given by Max Planck in 1907.
In some additional papers Hasenöhrl elaborated further on his 1904-work and concluded that his new results were now in accordance to the theories of Mosengeil and Planck. However, he complained about the fact that Planck did not mention his earlier 1904-results. In 1908 Planck wrote that the results of Hasenöhrl's new approach from 1907 were indeed equivalent to those of relativity.
Afterwards, several authors gave credit to Hasenöhrl for his 1904 achievements on cavity radiation.


There are different explanations for this result and its deviation from the relativistic formula. Enrico Fermi and others argued that this problem is analogous to the so-called 4/3 problem of electromagnetic mass. That is, if Hasenöhrl had included the shell in his calculations in a way consistent with relativity, the pre-factor of 4/3 would have been 1, so yielding. He could not have done this, since he did not have relativistic mechanics, with which he could model the shell.
On the other hand, Stephen Boughn and Tony Rothman in 2011, who gave a historical account of different solutions to the problem, argued that the above explanation is insufficient. After providing a complete relativistic description and solution of the cavity problem, they wrote:

Hasenöhrl and Einstein

The formulas for electromagnetic mass were similar to the famous equation for mass–energy equivalence:
published by Albert Einstein in September 1905 in the Annalen der Physik —a few editions after Hasenöhrl published his results on cavity radiation. The similarity between those formulas led some critics of Einstein, up until the 1930s, to claim that he plagiarized the formula.
As an example, Phillip Lenard published a paper in 1921 in which he gave priority for "E=mc²" to Hasenöhrl.
However, Max von Laue quickly rebutted those claims by saying that the inertia of electromagnetic energy was long known before Hasenöhrl, especially by the works of Henri Poincaré and Max Abraham, while Hasenöhrl only used their results for his calculation on cavity radiation. Laue continued by saying that credit for establishing the inertia of all forms of energy goes to Einstein, who was also the first to understand the deep implications of that equivalence in relation to relativity.

Known family

;Hasenöhrl's papers on cavity radiation and thermodynamics: