
"Friends!" is the seventeenth single released by Nami Tamaki on July 29, 2009. It is her second single of 2009. The song was used as the :ja:ダリヤ|Dariya beauty salon chain 'Palty' campaign CM song, as well as the NTV news show :ja:NNN Newsリアルタイム|NNN News Real Time August theme song.
The single was released in three versions: two limited CD+DVD versions and a regular version. Each version had a unique B-side. The track "Mata ne" was written for Tamaki by the electronic band Hi-Fi Camp. The song "Negai Hoshi" was used as the Nintendo Wii game Arc Rise Fantasia's theme song. It was originally released as a digital single on.

Music video

The PV opens with Tamaki walking through a darkly lit grocery store, picking up various items off the shelves. It then shows her winking at the camera. The music then starts to play as Tamaki dances in a brightly lit grocery store with two of her friends. It occasional shows clips of Tamaki dancing and singing in with a pink background behind her as well as a mirror. The song ends with Tamaki smiling at the camera.

Track listings

Standard Version

Limited Edition A (CD+DVD)



  1. Friends!

    Limited Edition B (CD+DVD)



  1. Friends!
  2. Friends!