FurReal Friends

FurReal Friends is a toy brand division of Hasbro, Tiger Electronics and Dreamright Toys created in 2002 of robotic pets. It is unknown when it was made by Sega Toys in Japan. The robotic toys range from guinea pigs to dinosaurs. They come in many sizes — some are able to be held in a child's hand and others are able to be ridden by a child. The prices range from $6 to $300. All of the toys move in some way. Two slogans each were "They love you for real, FurReal Friends." and "My best friends are FurReal Friends."


FurReal is noted for its animatronic replications of creatures and domestic animals as an alternative to live pets, or emulating the behaviors of pets commonly desired by children including horses, cats, rabbits and dogs. Certain robotics may be designed to represent creatures unfit for domestication, like elephants, lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, unicorns and bears. Bouncy, a robotic puppy, can jump and turn in a circle when a child waves their hand across her head. With Zambi, a robotic elephant manufactured and intended for charitable sales, a portion of its proceeds benefit charities.
The popular toy Tumbles My Roll Over Pup Beagle was launched in 2011. He rolls over, makes realistic puppy noises and goes to sleep. It has an adoption certificate.
Another notable toy manufactured by FurReal was the Butterscotch Pony, a large, animatronic, whinnying pony, among the toy line's products designed for children to sit on. The pony was designed with an assortment of sound effects mimicking those of live horses and opened a gateway to the production of a second animatronic pony named S'mores of slightly higher quality with more sound effects.