After the Hapans, led by Tenel Ka, decide to leave the Galactic Alliance, Jacen Solo, now calling himself Darth Caedus devises a plan and kidnaps his daughter by Tenel Ka, Allana, to force the Hapan Queen to continue supporting the government. Meanwhile, a Jedistrike team, led by Jedi MasterKyle Katarn, tries to take on Caedus on Coruscant, but Caedus prevails with the help of some guards, ending with the decapitation of Mithric, a Falleen Jedi. However, the team successfully places a tracking beacon on Caedus. Later, the team of Han, Leia, Jaina, Jag and Zekk slips aboard the Anakin Solo to get information on Dark Jedi Alema Rar, and with it they track her down to Lumiya's asteroid home and kill her with Jag's Mandalorian crushgauntlets. Also, Zekk sets Ship free with the use of the dark side of the Force, and Jaina helps him back to the light side afterwards. Caedus also decides to tell Allana that he is her father after she discovered that he kidnapped her rather than legitimately taking care of her. The climax begins with the Jedi interfering in the midst of a battle between the Galactic Alliance and the Confederation over Centerpoint Station in the Corellian system. A Jedi team, led by Kyp Durron with Valin Horn and Jaden Korr, sneaks aboard Centerpoint Station in an attempt to destroy it. The Jedi team rescues Allana from Caedus. Leia tries to get Caedus to return to the light side, but Caedus refuses. After escaping from Caedus, Kyp and the others have a code installed set to destroy Centerpoint Station in order to prevent anybody else from using it again. Han, Leia, Luke, Ben, and Saba make it back to the Millennium Falcon, being piloted by Jag and Kyle who rescue them. As they escape, Centerpoint Station explodes due to sabotage, taking with it much of the Corellian Fleets, Commenorian Fleets, and the GA Fifth Fleet. Kyle remarks that the destruction of Centerpoint station left a void in the Force. The story ends with the revelation of Allana's parentage to Han and Leia. Jaina then hints to Jag that she is going to seek out Boba Fett in order to learn some skills for the final showdown between her and Caedus.
The book was also available in the audiobook and E-Book formats. Abridged Compact Disc Read by Marc Thompson On Sale: November 27, 2007 Published by: Random House Audio Abridged Audiobook Download Read by Marc Thompson On Sale: November 27, 2007 E-Book On Sale: April 29, 2008 Published by: LucasBooks