Fuse Universal

Fuse Universal Ltd. is a Learning Solutions Company based in Shoreditch, London, United Kingdom. The company was founded in 2008 by Steve Dineen, the CEO.
In 2019, the organisation is made up of 55 employees. The main product is the Fuse platform, entirely cloud-based using Amazon Web Services build on Ruby on Rails and available on all devices supporting iOS and Android systems.
As well as the platform, Fuse Universal offers professional services such as Fuse Create and Fuse Consult. Fuse Universal runs its own foundation called Fuse School, which is a non-profit arm of the organisation offering educational videos to children and adults worldwide via YouTube and the Fuse School platform.


Founder of Fuse, Steve Dineen, begun work at Ingram Micro in pre-sales consultancy until given the opportunity to pursue training and teaching via high-end systems.
Afterwards he founded elearning company Fuel which was subsequently sold 10 years later to a US compliance and ethics company in 2007.
The main product, which is the Fuse platform, evolved from the Fuse School. This is a foundation and charity, established in 2008, helping to share free of charge Maths, English and ICT secondary school curricula worldwide.
Two years later in 2010 the platform sold on licenses and released Fuse under Fusion Universal. After two and half years of operating in the market, the company was renamed to Fuse Universal.

Products and services


Fuse is a cloud based platform that allows individuals to capture and share knowledge, questions and ideas in video, audio or text format. The purpose of the software is to increase information accessibility within a company by recording and sharing examples of best practice or discussions from experts in the same industry.
The Fuse platform can be accessed from an internet enabled device, such as a smartphone, tablet, computer or laptop.