
Futakoi is a light novel, visual novel and anime television series created by Hina Futaba and Mutsumi Sasaki. The anime aired in Japan in 2004. It replaced Sister Princess as Dengeki G's Magazine premiere flagship title.


The story begins with Nozomu Futami returning to the town where he was born and raised as a child. He moves in near a shrine which houses a legendary stone that was rumoured to have been the place where twin girls turned into birds. The stone is rumoured to be the cause of an abundance of twin girls who are born in the town. The twins who turned into birds did so because of their love for a man who couldn't choose between them. Shortly after Nozomu enters town he begins to run into the same problems as six pairs of twins fight for his love.


;Nozomu Futami
; and
;Yura Sakurazuki and Kira Sakurazuki
;Lala Hinagiku and Lulu Hinagiku
;Ui Chigusa and Koi Chigusa
;Ai Momoi and Mai Momoi
;Sara Shirogane and Sōju Shirogane
;Miyabi Hinagiku
;Keisuke Kosaka
;Juntarō Gonda
;Yūya Hiyama

List of episodes

Video game

The Futakoi video game was released on December 9, 2004. It was originally planned for a November 11 release but was delayed.
A second video game, Twin Love Island: Survival with Love and Swimsuits was released August 25, 2005. Both games were made by MediaWorks for the PlayStation 2.