Fuun Lion-Maru

Fuun Lion-Maru, known as Lion-Man outside Japan, was a tokusatsu television series that aired on the Fuji Television Network in Japan in 1973. Produced by P Productions — the studio behind its previous tokusatsu series including Magma Taishi, Spectreman and Kaiketsu Lion-Maru, it was the second series in the Lion-Maru trilogy, and featured a third Maru-like character named Black Jaguar. It also reunites only two actors: Tetsuya Ushio as Shishimaru and Yoshitaka Fukushima as Jonosuke, since Akiko Kujo and Norihiko Umechi were not featured in the sequel series. This Lion-Maru is deemed "the Rolling Tempest Ninja Warrior." This series was popularized in Brazil as Lion Man in 1989, the only other country besides Japan to show the 25 episodes of this series.


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