Géza M. Tóth

Géza M. Tóth is a Hungarian filmmaker. Founder and leader of KEDD Animation Studio, university professor and the rector of University of Theater and Film Arts, Budapest. He is a member of the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.


He is a multifarious artist, works in a huge palette of the arts. He made some theatrical production, animations for kids and educational films. He also made television commercials, series, animation inserts and many illustrations in children’s books.
As a filmmaker he made several successful and unique short films |Mama, Yes, :hu:Ikarosz which were in competition in the most prestigious film festivals, such as Icar at Berlin International Film Festival, or the Pied Piper which was in competition for Annecy Film Festival’s Cristal prize. His works were nominated in more than 200 Hungarian and International film festivals, like Maestro as the Best animated short film at the American Filmacademy’s Oscar. His works won around 100 prizes.
In 2002, he founded KEDD Animation Studio, where he is working continuously in different kind of projects, and collaborates with the most talented professionals in order to maintain the highest standards.
Besides, he is working in the artistic higher education since 1994. With his artistic DLA and a pedagogical Phd, he taught at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, where later he was the professor and head of department of the animation programme. He taught at several art universities abroad, like at the London College of Art for a year. Since 2014, he is the rector of the :hu:Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem|University of Theater and Film Arts in Hungary.