Gō Katō

Gō Katō was a Japanese entertainer and actor.
Kato is known as a star actor in Ōoka Echizen.


The son of an elementary school principal, Go Kato studied literature and theatre. As an actor, he made his film debut in 1964. Kato rose in popularity through his role as Toshiro Mifune's partner in Samurai Rebellion. Kato has performed some of his most famous roles in films directed by Kei Kumai, such as those in The Long Darkness, Cape of North and Death of a Tea Master.
Kato played lead role in two Taiga drama Kaze to Kumo to Niji to and the 1980 :ja:獅子の時代|Shishi no jidai.
He died on 18 June 2018.
