
The Gaalje'el are a Somali tribe. Members of this tribe traditionally inhabit central and southern Somalia. The majority of the Gaalje'el live in Hiraan, Middle Shabelle, and Jubaland.
The Gaalje'el are associated with the Hawiye tribe due to their close political and social alignment. But the Gaalje'el descend from one of the sons of Samaale Gardhere Samaale, as do the Degoodi, and Garre, and 'Owrmale. The Hawiye descend from Irir Samaale, another son of Samaale. Thus the Hawiye and Gaalje’el are cousins in terms of descent.
According to Ali Jimale, the etymology of the name Gaalje'el is from gaal, meaning camel and je'el meaning love: gaalje'el meaning "that which loves the camel". Gaal is the Af May equivalent of Geel in Af Maḥa Tiri.

Clan tree

Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology shows the following sub-clan tree for the Gaalje'el