Gabaldon School Buildings

The Gabaldon School Buildings or simply known as the Gabaldons is a term used to refer to heritage school buildings in the Philippines built during the American colonial era. They are noted for the architecture inspired from the bahay kubo and bahay na bato.


The Gabaldon School Buildings also referred to as the Gabaldons originated from Act No. 1801 or the Gabaldon Law, a legislation written by Isauro Gabaldon of the Philippine Assembly in 1907. The law provided for the funding of for the construction of modern public schools across the Philippine Islands from 1907 to 1915.

General architecture

The Gabaldons were built by the American colonial government with American architect, William E. Parsons as the designer of the blueprints of said buildings. A standard size of was conceptualized by Parsons for the school buildings regardless of the number of classrooms for swift construction of public schools.
According to historians, the buildings are modern in design while drawing elements from the bahay kubo and bahay na bato common in most towns at that time. The Gabaldons are raised on a platform made of wood or concrete. The buildings also exhibits large windows and high ceilings for ventilation and lighting purposes.

Heritage status

The Gabaldons are protected under Philippine law under Republic Act No. 11194 or the Gabaldon School Buildings Conservation Act. Under the law the "modification, alteration, destruction, demolition or relocation" of Gabaldon buildings are illegal. The particular legislation also designates the Gabaldons as cultural properties citing another legislation known as the Republic Act 10066 or the National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009.
The law mandates local government units to adopt measures for the protection and conversation of Gabaldon buildings under their jurisdiction.