Gabriel Pombo

Gabriel Antonio Pombo is a Uruguayan writer and lawyer, who is known for his books, essays and interviews relating to serial murderers, and particularly about the famous case of Jack the Ripper, the mysterious and never discovered murderer of London. Gabriel Pombo even wrote a humorous short story fiction, which tells how, during a foggy night a very confused Jack the Ripper mistakenly entered the offices of Scotland Yard believing that was a tavern.


He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the University of Uruguay in 1988, and thereafter exercised their profession independently.
Since 2006, he participated as an exhibitor of legal, historical, political and criminological issues, in several radio programs of Uruguay, and particularly during 2007 hearing was a panelist at "The Bridge" in CX 4 Rural Radio.
In early 2008 he published his first book, to which he gave the title "The Monster of London: The Legend of Jack the Ripper"
From mid to late 2008, gave a series of talks about Jack the Ripper and the Victorian era, in the Uruguayan cultural center El Ateneo.
He was also a columnist for the Uruguayan monthly cultural magazine called "DIMENSIÓN DESCONOCIDA", from late 2008 to December 2009. Pombo's contact with the magazine, basically initiated following a report that was made on the occasion of his first book, in the November 2008 edition. That issue was devoted almost entirely to the case of Jack the Ripper. Thereafter invited to participate, he joined the staff of the publication, going to take over the "police report" to which drafted reports on famous criminology and criminal cases. Sometimes produced feature articles that occupied most of the respective sample, for instance, the June 2009 work entitled "Serial Murderers: Scourge of Humanity”.
Such contributions were reproduced in various cultural publications, printed on paper or as digital. This work eventually became the basis for the creation of his book "Stories of Murderers", at the phenomenon of serial crime and adventures of the dark characters who have acted in this framework.
In 2010, expanded approaches to the Whitechapel murderer case with the book "Jack the Ripper: The Legend Continues".
And since early 2012 and in the cultural program "Agenda Abierta", he takes care of the column of criminology and criminal policy, issued regularly on Impartial CX28 Radio AM 1090 in Montevideo, Uruguay, also developing the theme crime fiction in the same station, in a program entitled "La Tarde es nuestra".
Now to close this detail and effects to mention one more recent activity data, the researcher Gabriel Pombo participated Monday 4 February 2013 in an interview with Spanish radio Dreams Live: Your dreams radio, directed by Sasha and presenter Martin Hernandez degree on the subject of Jack the Ripper.
