Galactic algorithm

A galactic algorithm is one that runs faster than any other algorithm for problems that are sufficiently large, but where "sufficiently large" is so big that the algorithm is never used in practice. Galactic algorithms were so named by Richard Lipton and Ken Regan, as they will never be used on any of the merely terrestrial data sets we find here on Earth.
An example of a galactic algorithm is the fastest known way to multiply two numbers, which is based on a 1729-dimensional Fourier transform. This means it will not reach its stated efficiency until the numbers have at least 2172912 bits, which is vastly larger than the number of atoms in the known universe. So this algorithm is never used in practice.
Despite the fact that they will never be used, galactic algorithms may still contribute to computer science:
There are several well-known algorithms with world-beating asymptotic behavior, but only on impractically large problems: