
Galegeae is a tribe of the subfamily Faboideae. The tribe is found mostly in the northern hemisphere, but can also be found in Australia, Africa, and South America. Recent molecular phylogenetic work has determined that tribe Galegeae is paraphyletic, and that its members are scattered throughout the IR-lacking clade.


The tribe Galegeae contains roughly twenty genera. Indigofereae and Psoraleeae were once included as subtribes, but have since been elevated as distinct tribes.

Subtribe Astragalinae

Carmichaelinae Clade
  • Carmichaelia R. Br.
  • Clianthus Sol. ex Lindl.
  • Montigena Heenan
  • Streblorrhiza Endl.
  • Swainsona Salisb.
Coluteinae Clade