Gamma-glutamyl hydrolase

Gamma-glutamyl hydrolase is an enzyme that catalyses the following chemical reaction:
This lysosomal or secreted, thiol-dependent peptidase, most active at acidic pH.
In humans, gamma-glutamyl hydrolase is encoded by the GGH gene. This gene catalyzes the hydrolysis of folylpoly-gamma-glutamates and antifolylpoly-gamma-glutamates by the removal of gamma-linked polyglutamates and glutamate.


Gamma-glutamyl hydrolase is also known as conjugase, folate conjugase, lysosomal gamma-glutamyl carboxypeptidase, gamma-Glu-X carboxypeptidase, pteroyl-poly-gamma-glutamate hydrolase, carboxypeptidase G, folic acid conjugase, poly endohydrolase, polyglutamate hydrolase, poly hydrolase II, pteroylpoly-gamma-glutamyl hydrolase.

Interactive pathway map