Ganta United Methodist Hospital

Ganta United Methodist Hospital is a hospital in Ganta, northeast Liberia. The hospital serves a population of around 450,000 in Liberia and neighbouring countries.


The hospital was established in 1926 by Dr. George Way Harley and his wife Winifred. It had to close after severe damage by looting and a rocket attack during the summer of 2003, but reopened in March 2004.


In 2005, the hospital has two physicians, an ophthalmologist, and a general practitioner who also carries out surgery. Services provided by the hospital include an outpatient clinic, obstetrics, pediatrics, and laboratory services. It also runs an Eye Project with a jeep-equipped outreach team to bring patients for operations such as cataract removal.
The hospital is part of a complex which includes a leprosy and tuberculosis rehabilitation centre, schools and vocational training facilities, and a demonstration farm.