Garcinia xanthochymus

Garcinia xanthochymus, the false mangosteen, gamboge, yellow mangosteen, Himalayan Garcinia, or Sour Mangosteen is a species of mangosteens found from India, southern China, and Japan through Indochina to Peninsular Malaysia at elevations of 0 - 1400 meters. Plants are found growing in humid forests of valleys or on hills. It's locally known as Tepor Tenga in Assam.


Tree growing up to 8-15 meters with gray brow bark. Leaves are oblong to lanceolate, 15.4-30.5 cm x 6-12 cm. Petioles are robust 1.5-2.5 cm long. Flowers are greenish white, monoecious in a dense cluster of 4-10 with a diameter of 1.3 cm. Fruits are yellow 5 cm to 8.9 cm in diameter containing yellow flesh and around 5 seeds. Seeds are oblong or ovoid and brown. Plants bloom from March to May with fruits forming around August to November.