Gauthier Morberius

Gauthier Morberius or Walther Morbier was the first printer in the city of Liège, where he was active 1558–1594.


Morberius, probably a native of the county of Loon, began his printing career in Antwerp in 1553 and was active in that city at least until 1555. He was then invited to set up a press in Liège, the first in the city. He was formally appointed printer to the city in 1558. In 1560 he also became official printer to the prince-bishop of Liège, Robert of Berghes. He continued to serve Berghes's successors, Gérard de Groesbeek and Ernest of Bavaria.


His son, Charles, was deaf and mute and unable to continue the family business, but two of his three daughters wed men who carried on the trade of printing in the city: Catherine married Léonard Streel and Marie married Christian Ouwerx. In 1588 Morberius made out a will bequeathing the business to his son-in-law, Léonard Streel, on condition that he support Charles throughout his life. Morberius died early in 1595. The position of printer to the prince-bishop passed to his other son-in-law, Christian Ouwerx.
