Gay Gordons (dance)

The Gay Gordons is a Scottish country dance.

Dance instructions

A standard ceilidh instruction:
1-2Right hands joined over lady's shoulder and left hands joined in front, walk forward for four steps, starting on the right foot.
3-4Still moving in the same direction, and without letting go, pivot on the spot and take four steps backwards.
5-8Repeat in the opposite direction.
9-12Drop left hands, raise right hands above lady's head. Lady pivots on the spot..
13-16Joining hands in ballroom hold, polka round the room.

Repeat ad lib. In order to make the dance progressive, the ladies may leave their partners between bars 12-13 and move to the partner before them in the circle.
For Scottish country dancers, the grip in the first eight bars is allemande hold.
A live demonstration was performed by the Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society in 2007.