Gaziantep Zoo

Gaziantep Zoo is a zoo in Gaziantep, Turkey


The zoo is located in Şahinbey secondary municipality to the west of the city at. It is next to the Gaziantep University. Its distance to city center is Its total area is


The zoo was opened on 19 May 2001. The safari park, a part of the zoo was opened on 23 April 2015 and on 23 April 2017 a natural history museum was established.


The area of the aviary is Its height is. It houses 90 species.
The area of the aquarium is. There are 82 species of fish
Each of the even-toed and odd toed ungulates has its own yard of about
There are 8 species of primates.
The carnivores such as lion, tiger, puma etc. as well as the reptiles have their summer and winter quarters.

Admission fee

Admission fee is TL 7 for the adults and TL 3.5 for the students and juniors.
